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Choosing the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste for Your Child

  As the crisp fall air rolls in and Halloween excitement fills the air, it’s the perfect time to talk about an important part of your child’s daily routine: brushing …

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When Should a Child Get Braces?

When it comes to a child’s oral health, we want to give them the best chance at enjoying a comfortable, functional, and healthy smile. This may mean that braces will …

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What You Want To Know About Dental X-Rays

Why Do Pediatric Dentists Use X-Rays? X-Rays are a fundamental part of a pediatric dentist’s ability to diagnose and monitor a child’s dental health. Exams that rely only on visual …

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How To Stop A Thumb Sucking Habit

Children are born with an innate sucking reflex that often lends itself to a comfort behavior over time. Often, an infant or young child will suck a finger or thumb …

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10 Things You Want To Know About Braces

So you’re curious about braces? Whatever the reason, you’ve found yourself wondering about braces; you’re not alone! Over four-million Americans are wearing braces at this very moment. Here are a …

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How long will my child have to have braces?

That’s a pretty broad question, since each mouth is unique. Let us say this: getting braces is a big commitment of time, money, and lifestyle changes. It can take a …

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Overbites, underbites, crowding – oh my!

Some more common mislalignment terms we toss around are “overbites” and “underbites,” but did you know there are actually seven fairly common bite issues in children? All of us have …

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3 Things you should know about toothpaste, if your child has braces

All toothpaste is created equal, right? Unfortunately, not so much. Over the years, the toothpaste selection has expanded. You can pretty much select any combination of flavor, whitening, and tartar …

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5 Ways to Help Your Child Deal With Their Braces

Contrary to what your child might believe, braces weren’t invented to ruin their lives. As a parent of a child with braces, you might feel you’re the one doing the …

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7 Myths About Orthodontics

While our team tries to make your orthodontic health as simple as possible, we also know that there are misconceptions about orthodontic treatment that make it difficult to understand how …

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